Heroes Part 4: Into the Abyss

Liz becomes trapped. How will he be rescued from an underground tunnel?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

8 If I were to climb up to the highest heavens, you would be there. If I were to dig down to the world of the dead you would also be there. 9 Suppose I had wings like the dawning day and flew across the ocean. 10 Even then your powerful arm would guide and protect me.

Audio Icon   Psalm 139:8-10



In this episode, Liz and his friends were sent out in boats to help flood victims in Caiman City. They met a stranded lady who reminded them that God is always with them. Liz saw what he thought was the opportunity to be a hero, and so unplugged a storm drain. Moments later, he and Morrie were stuck in the tunnels far underground. They had to trust God to keep them safe.

In Romans 8:35-39, the apostle Paul talked about all the bad things that Christians can face. He explained that no hardship or poverty or natural disaster or war can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. Notice that he didn’t say we won’t sometimes experience bad things. But no matter how bad things get, God is with us, protecting us from evil. And if the very worst happens and we die, we know that we will instantly be with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:8).

Dig deeper into God's constant presence with those who trust him in Psalm 23:4; Psalm 31:20; Psalm 142. David was alone and hiding from his enemies in a cave. If David could trust God in those circumstances, you know you can trust God in yours.


Do you have your cape from the last episodes? If not, make one out of fabric or paper. Now it's time to add another symbol! Today Liz learned that true heroes can rely on God, even when they are afraid (yes, heroes get scared sometimes). Design a symbol that shows that God is always with you. Be creative! Try out a few designs before you choose one. You can draw it onto a paper cape, or if you have a fabric cape, you can use fabric markers or cut out your design on paper and pin it to your cape. Leave some room, though, because there are two more episodes to come!