Mumbly Maneuver

Skink and Cole are going to fight! What’s this all about anyway? And why is Liz so happy about it?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

18 Losing your temper causes a lot of trouble, but staying calm settles arguments.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 15:18



In this episode, Liz is angry at Skink and Cole when they are unkind to him. So he stirs up the pot and suffers the consequences.

Anger is a tricky thing. It’s okay to feel angry. For example, Jesus was very angry when the money changers stopped people from being able to worship in the temple (Matthew 21:12-13). But it’s what you do with the anger that is important.

If you are feeling angry, it helps to talk about what you are feeling angry about with an adult or a friend. But you can also think about some ways to manage those angry feelings in an acceptable way. Discuss some ways to deal with anger with your parent. Some ideas might be to hit a pillow, kick a ball, yell into your pillow in a quiet corner of the house, go for a walk or run, go to your room for some quiet time, pray, listen to music or breathe deeply. Have some strategies that you and your parent agree on to try the next time you are feeling angry. Then try one! The best thing you can do though is to talk to God about your anger. Pray to him this week and ask him to help you with your self control.

Want to dig deeper about controlling your temper? Read Proverbs 14:17, James 1:19-20, and Ecclesiastes 7:9


Does your anger sometimes bubble over? Ask your parent’s permission and help for this challenge. Use a clear glass. Put it in the middle of a baking dish. Fill the glass half full with water. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Add a few drops each of food coloring and liquid dish soap and stir. Then add some vinegar to the glass. What happens?

When you have anger (the baking soda), you have to make sure that you don’t lose your cool (that’s like adding the vinegar!) Your anger will bubble over and create a huge mess! When you are feeling angry, take some deep breaths, walk away, or talk to someone and ask for help. Pray that God will give you the strength to make a good decision about managing your anger.