Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
1 The next time Jesus taught beside Lake Galilee, a big crowd gathered. It was so large that he had to sit in a boat out on the lake, while the people stood on the shore. 2 He used stories to teach them many things, and this is part of what he taught: 3 Now listen! A farmer went out to scatter seed in a field. 4 While the farmer was scattering the seed, some of it fell along the road and was eaten by birds. 5 Other seeds fell on thin, rocky ground and quickly started growing because the soil wasn't very deep. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched and dried up, because they did not have deep roots. 7 Some other seeds fell where thornbushes grew up and choked out the plants. So they did not produce any grain. 8 But a few seeds did fall on good ground where the plants grew and produced 30 or 60 or even 100 times as much as was scattered. 9 Then Jesus said, “If you have ears, pay attention.” 10 When Jesus was alone with the twelve apostles and some others, they asked him about these stories. 11 He answered: I have explained the secret about God's kingdom to you, but for others I can use only stories. 12 The reason is, “These people will look and look, but never see. They will listen and listen, but never understand. If they did, they would turn to God and be forgiven.” 13 Jesus then told them: If you don't understand this story, you won't understand any others. 14 What the farmer is spreading is really the message about the kingdom. 15 The seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message. But Satan soon comes and snatches it away from them. 16 The seeds that fell on rocky ground are the people who gladly hear the message and accept it at once. 17 But they don't have roots, and they don't last very long. As soon as life gets hard or the message gets them in trouble, they give up. 18 The seeds that fell among the thornbushes are also people who hear the message. 19 But they start worrying about the needs of this life. They are fooled by the desire to get rich and to have all kinds of other things. So the message gets choked out, and they never produce anything. 20 The seeds that fell on good ground are the people who hear and welcome the message. They produce 30 or 60 or even 100 times as much as was planted. 21 Jesus also said: You don't light a lamp and put it under a clay pot or under a bed. Don't you put a lamp on a lampstand? 22 There is nothing hidden that will not be made public. There is no secret that will not be well known. 23 If you have ears, pay attention! 24 Listen carefully to what you hear! The way you treat others will be the way you will be treated—and even worse. 25 Everyone who has something will be given more. But people who don't have anything will lose what little they have. 26 Again Jesus said: God's kingdom is like what happens when a farmer scatters seed in a field. 27 The farmer sleeps at night and is up and around during the day. Yet the seeds keep sprouting and growing, and he doesn't understand how. 28 It is the ground that makes the seeds sprout and grow into plants that produce grain. 29 Then when harvest season comes and the grain is ripe, the farmer cuts it with a sickle. 30 Finally, Jesus said: What is God's kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it? 31 It is like what happens when a mustard seed is planted in the ground. It is the smallest seed in all the world. 32 But once it is planted, it grows larger than any garden plant. It even puts out branches that are big enough for birds to nest in its shade. 33 Jesus used many other stories when he spoke to the people, and he taught them as much as they could understand. 34 He did not tell them anything without using stories. But when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.
Mark 4:1-34
Joshua 1:9
9 I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.
Everything God made reflects his creativity—including you! Maybe you like to build with Lego blocks, dance, solve puzzles, garden, make up songs, or write stories. Your creative mind actually reflects God’s creative mind. After all, he is the most creative Creator, and he made us in his image. And God wants us to use our creativity to tell the story of the gospel. How will you be strong and brave and share God’s Word this week?
Do you ever think of Jesus as creative? Jesus showed God’s love in ways that burst with creativity!
As we see in today’s reading, Jesus told stories about his Father’s kingdom and love that had people on the edges of their seats, stories like the Parable of the Sower and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus asked creative questions to teach big crowds of people and challenge religious leaders.
Jesus showed God’s love to unexpected people in unexpected places: to an unpopular Samaritan woman by a well, to a tax collector in a tree, and to a criminal on a cross. These creative moments continue to illustrate God’s love to this very day.
Finally, he chose moments to creatively demonstrate God’s power by feeding 5,000 hungry people with one boy’s lunch, giving sight to the blind, and even bringing dead people back to life.
As we follow God, we can use the creativity he gave us in the same way Jesus did, in the different ways we show people God’s love. Using the creativity God gave each of us, we can ask God to help us be strong and courageous to share his gift with the world in unique and creative ways! Perhaps God gave you the creative ability to sing songs about his love, to be a gospel storyteller, or to serve others with your talents. Remember that God chose you to share his gift with the world in unique and creative ways!