Courageous Creativity

Courageous Creativity

August 27, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Mark 4:1-34

Memory Verse

Joshua 1:9

9 I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.

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Everything God made reflects his creativity—including you! Maybe you like to build with Lego blocks, dance, solve puzzles, garden, make up songs, or write stories. Your creative mind actually reflects God’s creative mind. After all, he is the most creative Creator, and he made us in his image. And God wants us to use our creativity to tell the story of the gospel. How will you be strong and brave and share God’s Word this week?

Do you ever think of Jesus as creative? Jesus showed God’s love in ways that burst with creativity!

  • As we see in today’s reading, Jesus told stories about his Father’s kingdom and love that had people on the edges of their seats, stories like the Parable of the Sower and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

  • Jesus asked creative questions to teach big crowds of people and challenge religious leaders.

  • Jesus showed God’s love to unexpected people in unexpected places: to an unpopular Samaritan woman by a well, to a tax collector in a tree, and to a criminal on a cross. These creative moments continue to illustrate God’s love to this very day.

  • Finally, he chose moments to creatively demonstrate God’s power by feeding 5,000 hungry people with one boy’s lunch, giving sight to the blind, and even bringing dead people back to life.

As we follow God, we can use the creativity he gave us in the same way Jesus did, in the different ways we show people God’s love. Using the creativity God gave each of us, we can ask God to help us be strong and courageous to share his gift with the world in unique and creative ways! Perhaps God gave you the creative ability to sing songs about his love, to be a gospel storyteller, or to serve others with your talents. Remember that God chose you to share his gift with the world in unique and creative ways!


Dear God, thank you for the stories in the Bible that teach us how Jesus showed your love. Please make us strong and courageous and help us to share the gospel using our creative gifts. Amen.

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Areo Keller-Donahue

Areo Keller-Donahue

As soon as Areo could pick up a popsicle stick, she was making puppets and putting on plays that shared her faith with her neighbors. Areo grew up with a strong interest in musical theatre and earned her BFA at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Areo was led to use artistic gifts to share the gospel with young ones, and she became involved in ministry. She has worked in children's ministry at Redeemer Upper West Side and North Way Christian Community and is currently developing a musical live-action series that celebrates faith and fun. Areo and her husband live in Pittsburgh, where they enjoy spending time with their families and adorable cat, Daisy.

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