The Stone of Help

The Stone of Help

December 31, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

I Samuel 7

Memory Verse

Lamentations 3:21-23

21 Then I remember something that fills me with hope. 22 The 's kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. 23 The can always be trusted to show mercy each morning.

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My family and I have a cool way to remind ourselves of the many blessings God has given us. Around our house, we’ve hung framed photographs from our family trips. And believe it or not, each photo prominently displays a column of rocks. That’s right, rocks! While these stacks of rocks do make for a pretty picture, there’s more to them than how they look. These columns of stones are called Ebenezers; they’re our family’s way of remembering what God has done for us.

Ebenezer is a Hebrew word that means “stone of help” (1 Samuel 7:12). In 1 Samuel 7 God’s people, the Israelites, had grown selfish and disobedient to God. They wanted to do things their own way and no longer asked God for help. Even though the people forgot about God, he still loved them and even helped them in their battles. When they finally realized that they’d disobeyed God, the Israelites built an Ebenezer, a pile of stones to remind them of everything God had done for them and to always put their trust in him.

Here’s how to build your own family Ebenezer: on a family trip, hike, or even just a neighborhood stroll, have each person think of a Bible story, a verse, or a personal story of God’s faithfulness. At the same time, everyone collects flat stones, pieces of bark, or shells to stack. Together find a pretty spot, and then take turns sharing your Bible verses and stories of God’s grace as you start stacking the rocks. It may take a few adjustments to get the Ebenezer to stay upright, but that is part of the fun!

In my daily prayer time, when I look at my family’s photos of our Ebenezers, I think about all the ways God has helped me, forgiven my sins, and shown his love to me. Great is his faithfulness!


Dear God, forgive me when I forget to ask you for help and do things my own way. Thank you that even when I forget about you, you still love me and help me. Help me remember to always trust in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Emily Vanden Heuvel

Emily Vanden Heuvel

As Senior Producer of Pastoral Care, Rev. Emily Vanden Heuvel coordinates the ReFrame Ministries Prayer Team and follow-up care to those who interact with ReFrame programs, including Kids Corner. Before joining ReFrame, Emily served as a chaplain, counseling children and adults in trauma and crisis recovery. Emily and her husband, Ryan, have two children. She loves to preach and mentor kids. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and gardening.

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