Worship God

Worship God

August 5, 2023

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Psalm 95:1-7, Psalm 150

Memory Verse

Psalm 95:6

6 Bow down and worship the our Creator!

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Usually after supper, Mom would read from the Bible, but tonight she said, "Let's play Simon Says!"

“Simon says, ‘Shout for joy, and clap your hands!’”

“Simon says, ‘Bow in prayer!’”

“Simon says, ‘Sing praise to God!’"

Triniti and Jaxon acted out each action and laughed when Mom tried to get them out. "Nobody's out!” said Mom. “I thought this would be a fun way to talk together about the different ways to worship God.”

In Psalm 95, King David invited God’s people to sing, bow down, and worship God together. He wanted to “sing joyful songs to the Lord” and for everyone to “come to worship him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.” How can you worship God your Creator throughout your day? You might sing a praise song on the way to school or read a Bible verse every morning and at bed time. Together as a family, you could pray for your community’s needs. When we do these kinds of things, we’re worshiping God too!

We can worship God anytime and anywhere: at the park, in the car, or at the supper table. Do your own quiet devotion in your bedroom. Praise God together at church, with friends in a youth group, and with your family at home. Worship from your heart to God’s heart. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6).


Lord, I want to praise you. I want to cry with you. I want to worship you in everything I do. Help me learn and show others how to worship you everyday. Amen.

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Venita Blake

Venita Blake

After 32 years to education, Venita Blake retired as an Elementary Principal in 2012. She has produced a Christian children’s CD. Venita lives in Flower Mound, Texas (near Dallas), with her husband Kenneth and has been married for 40 years. They currently serve as pastor and wife of the Redeeming the Time Baptist Church and she has worked with youth and children’s ministries sharing the Word of God and singing.

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