Make the World a Better Place

Make the World a Better Place

February 12, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Isaiah 1:17, Proverbs 21:3, Romans 12:2

Memory Verse

1 Timothy 4:12

12 Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity.

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What do you do when you see something wrong in your neighborhood or school? Do you ignore it or just complain about it? When you find a way to fix it, then you can be an agent of change. That’s someone who sees the problem—big or small—and takes action to make change for the good of everyone around them. Agents of change aren’t just grownups; there are young people all over the world who are agents of change. Their young age doesn’t stop them from fixing a wrong and making it right. (Have you checked out the Kids in Action series?)

In today's verse, the apostle Paul encourages Timothy, who is serving God as a young preacher in a big church. Paul gives Timothy two pieces of advice:

  1. “Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young.” Paul’s message to Timothy is for you too! Don’t let someone telling you that you are too young stand in your way. God can use anyone no matter how young or old. Pray and ask God what he wants you to do to make a difference in his world.

  2. “Set an example for other followers by what you say and do” Paul’s second piece of advice is for you too. This means if you want to see change, then show others what it looks like. Some people may not listen to what you say, but they’ll see what you do.

So how can you make a change in the world? Maybe get involved with school programs like anti-bullying initiatives or a zero waste recycle plan. Be kind and try to get along with everyone, even people who are different from you. Remember, no matter how big the problem is, our God is bigger! With his help, we will make the world a better place.


Dear God, thank you for the world you have given us. Help me to make your world a better place for everyone who lives in it. Amen.
Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee is an educator, writer and most importantly a child of God. She has taught in public schools for 12 years and holds two master's degrees from Georgetown College in Learning & Behavior Disorders and Teacher Leadership. Natasha also serves as the Christian Education Director at her church. She is the proud mother of two daughters. For more information about her, visit

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