Dirty Jobs

Chance Calhoun and the Rodeo are in town! Liz wonders what it takes to be a true cowboy. Is it all glory or might he have to get a little dirty?

Before You Listen

After you listen



The theme of the Dirty Jobs’ episode is that everyone has to step up and serve, even if the job is tough or dirty! Matthew 20:28 says we are to be servants “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus was the ultimate servant and we are all called to follow his example.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about being a servant worker? Read Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 10:42, and 1 Peter 4:10.


What are some jobs around the house or at school that must get done, but that people don’t volunteer to do? Perhaps it is taking out garbage, wiping tables or doing garden work.

Volunteer to do one of these dirty jobs at home or at school. Take your turn willingly and do not grumble.

Here’s a family challenge. Choose one or more:

1. Together, serve your local community:

  • Regularly visit a “grand-friend” at a nursing home, assisted living facility, or in the neighborhood. Help your friend learn how to use email or Facebook to communicate with her or his family.
  • As a family or with a dance class, choir or martial arts school, develop a show to present at a nearby library, day care, nursing home or community center. It might be a puppet show, play, demonstration or craft project.

2. Together, serve your neighborhood:

  • Walk dogs, collect mail, shovel snow, or rake leaves for someone in your neighborhood who needs the help.
  • Greet your neighbors with a small gift such as a houseplant or plate of cookies.
  • Offer popsicles or cold drinks to your garbage truck workers