Law and Odor

Liz has been asked to defend someone who is in big trouble at school. How can he speak up for someone who can’t defend himself?

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Memory Verse

8 But you must defend those who are helpless and have no hope.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 31:8



In today’s episode, Liz sticks up for someone who no one else would help.

In the Old Testament, Moses tried to help an Israelite slave, but ended up killing a man and running for his life. After that, he became a shepherd, got married, and had two sons. Life turned out pretty good for him. Then God asked him to go back to his previous life to rescue the Israelite slaves.

He could have told God, “Sorry, that’s not my problem. I tried to help once, and it blew up in my face.” But even though he was nervous, Moses said, “Yes, I’ll help,” and stood up in Pharaoh’s court to tell the king to let God’s people go [Exodus 3-4:23].

In Moses’ story, there are three kinds of people: bullies, victims, and bystanders. Pharaoh is the bully, the Israelite slaves are the victims, and Moses is the bystander. Moses had to choose whether or not to help the Israelites. Moses made the right choice—he stood in front of the slaves and took on the bully named Pharaoh. Of course, Moses wasn’t alone. Every step of the way, God was there, directing and encouraging him.

A time might come when you find yourself a bystander when someone else is being bullied. When that happens, ask God for the courage to be a Moses—to step up and defend the victim. The good news is that God is stronger and smarter than any bully—and he will gladly stand with you to direct you and to encourage you—just ask Moses!

Want to learn more about sticking up for someone else? Check out Proverbs 31:8-9, Isaiah 1:17, and Psalm 82:3.


Is there someone in your school who is being bullied or harassed by other kids? Are they all alone without anyone on their side? Is someone you know being blamed for something he or she didn’t do? How can you speak up in their defense?

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