Merry X-Monsters

When a tragedy happens to a Terrene family, Liz has a decision to make. Is it an easy one or not?

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After you listen

Memory Verse

16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.

Audio Icon   John 3:16



In this episode, Liz was challenged to give his toys to kids who didn’t have very many toys. But he only wanted to give a little bit of his time instead. Then he met someone who had just lost everything. Liz thought about how Jesus gave his best and decided he wanted to do the same.

All of us have someone who we don’t get along with very well. Maybe that person is mean to you, or maybe you don’t like them for some other reason. Do you love that person?

As a sinner, you should be God’s enemy. Have you ever thought about that? All people deserve punishment for their sins. But Jesus Christ died on the cross to take the punishment for your sins. He loves you and he offers you salvation even though he knows you are a sinner. God “so loved the world” that he was willing to give his Son to die for it. Remember how God gave you His very best gift, and give your very best to someone else this Christmas.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about God's love? Check out 1 John 4:11, Romans 5:6-10 and John 3:16.


Remember what Jesus did because of His love for you. Share that love with someone who needs love and tell them about Jesus too! Ask your parents if your entire family can join together to help give someone else a great Christmas.

  • Provide a meal (or two or three!) for another family in need.
  • Write Christmas cards to your church’s missionaries and enclose a small gift.
  • Use some of your extra money and buy some new toys for kids who don’t have very many.

What else can you do to help someone this Christmas?