Kids in Action host Isabelle meets Maya and her family, who deal with Maya's diabetes everyday and wanted to find a way to make it easier for all people with the disease. It’s Kids in Action, understanding a big problem and trying to make other people's lives better.
1. Maya advocated for a change for people with diabetes. What’s something that you think needs a change that you might advocate for?
2. In the video Maya says, “Some tough stuff lasts a lifetime, but hard times and good times are in the same story. And God never promised only good times.” How has the last year shown both challenges and blessings?
3. Talk about a time where you or a family member advocated for change.
4. Isaiah 45:3 says, “I will give you treasures hidden in dark and secret places. Then you will know that I, the Lord God of Israel, have called you by name.” When your family looks back over the last few years, what “treasures” has God given you so that you know that God has called you by name?
5. Romans 15:13 says, “ I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.” As you look forward, how has the Holy Spirit given you hope? How are you hopeful?