Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
4 Each generation will announce to the next your wonderful and powerful deeds.
When I was a young kid, I received a book from my grandpa. The book was spiral bound, and on the cover—in big red block letters—it said “Grandpa, Tell Me a Story.” Inside, my grandpa had written all kinds of stories about himself growing up. One told about where and when he was born. Another told about his school days—learning how to read and write. And yet another story was about the many jobs he’d had before finally becoming a teacher. I remember paging through the book, laughing at his silly tales and pondering the stories of his faith in God. When we visited my grandparents, I asked him about some of the wonderful stories he’d written in that book.
God commands grandpas and grandmas and moms and dads to tell their kids and all young people about the wonderful things God has done. “Each generation will announce to the next your wonderful and powerful deeds” (Psalm 145:4).
And God has done wonderful things. The people of Israel told amazing and true stories about God parting the Red Sea, providing manna and quail in the desert, and knocking down the walls of Jericho. We have our own stories about God’s faithfulness to us, his people: like when God heals someone who is sick or keeps someone safe on a trip or provides just what’s needed right when it’s needed. Just like my grandpa shared a book of memories with me, watch for stories of God’s faithfulness. Write them down if you’d like. Celebrate when you hear them. God is faithful, and we have the important job of telling our friends, family, and neighbours about how wonderful he truly is!