
Liz, Spike, and Lucille let their greatest fears control them. Can Granny show them God’s joy for their lives or are they doomed to wear buckets on their heads?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

7 God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.

Audio Icon   1 Peter 5:7



In this episode, Liz, Lucille, and Spike let their worries and fears control them. But Granny shares some good advice. She quotes 1 Peter 5:7, “God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him”and then tells them to, “Tell God your fears. He’ll take care of you. He loves you...Fear can control our lives if we let it. There will always be something to worry about. But we don’t need to do that. We have a big God who can take all our worries on.”


Note to Parents: Creating a safe place to talk about worries and fears can be difficult. Everyone who participates in the below activity must be trustworthy. No one should put down other family members by saying something like, "Don't be ridiculous! There are no monsters in your closet!" or “That’s dumb. Just because you saw it on the news doesn’t mean that there will be a school shooting at our school.” If you have multiple children and are unsure if they can respect each other’s fears, you may want to complete this challenge with each child individually.

Sharing worries and fears can be difficult. As a family, do the below activity.

1. Pray the below prayer about God’s promises and our fear and worry:

Heavenly God,
Everyone has fears. We worry. Sometimes it stops us from doing good things. We are afraid to fall, afraid to talk, afraid to act. But I need to have faith. You have told us not to be afraid and to give you all our fears and worries. I trust your promises. I know that even though you died on the cross, your power is so great that you rose again. In your promises, I am safe. You are my protector, my shield. You are with me. My Lord and my God. Amen.

2. Have each family member think about a fear or worry that they have experienced. Encourage each child to talk with a parent about their worry later that day. During the talk,

  • Both the parent and child should share a fear or worry that they have.
  • Talk about how sharing a fear or worry can take away some of the negative power and feelings.
  • Rate the fear or worry on a scale of 1 to 10. This will help everyone better understand and talk about the fear/worry.
  • Provide support and gentle care for each other. For example, if a family member doesn’t like dogs, don’t cater to the fear by avoiding all dogs. Instead, all family members can create safe ways to encounter dogs. You can also talk about using deep breathing and positive self-statements like“I am OK” and “Let’s do this!” to cope with anxiety.

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