Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
16 You roared at the sea, and its deepest channels could be seen. You snorted, and the earth shook to its foundations. 17 You reached down from heaven, and you lifted me from deep in the ocean. 18 You rescued me from enemies, who were hateful and too powerful for me. 19 On the day disaster struck, they came and attacked, but you defended me.
Psalm 18:16-19
4 I often think of the heavens your hands have made, and of the moon and stars you put in place. 5 Then I ask, “Why do you care about us humans? Why are you concerned for us weaklings?” 6 You made us a little lower than you yourself, and you have crowned us with glory and honor. 7 You let us rule everything your hands have made. And you put all of it under our power— 8 the sheep and the cattle, and every wild animal,
Psalm 8:4-8
Psalm 149:4
4 The is pleased with his people, and he gives victory to those who are humble.
Do you have something you’re really proud of that you like to show off? Maybe a drawing hung on the fridge, a really good grade, or a trophy on your bookshelf. We display these things because seeing them brings us joy, and we want other people to share our joy as well. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you’ve looked at it or the one hundredth time, there’s just something about it that makes you smile.
God feels the same way about you! That’s what Psalm 149 tells us. You might worry that God gets easily annoyed with you or just loves you because—being God—he has to. But the Bible says:
God likes you.
He really likes you.
All of you.
From your head to your toes, God likes you.
God can’t wait for you to tell him about your day. He loves to watch you run and play. He laughs at the jokes you tell. He celebrates your accomplishments. If he had a cellphone, God would be that parent who shows off a picture of you to anyone who will look. He doesn’t stay with you every moment of your life because he has to; God wants to be with you. How incredible is that?
Take time today to do something you enjoy. Ride your bike. Play a game. Sing. Whatever it is you like to do, think about God delighting in you doing it.