Dine N Dash

When Liz, Morrie, and Spike do something they all know is wrong, they can’t just forget about it. They find out they need to make things right with God and with those they’ve hurt.

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

3 You are kind, God! Please have pity on me. You are always merciful! Please wipe away my sins.

Audio Icon   Psalm 51:3



In this episode, Liz, Morrie, and Spike decide to admit they were wrong and do the right thing.

When we do things we know are wrong, our consciences bother us. We are afraid of being caught and getting in trouble, but we’re also ashamed because we know we did something bad.

All of our sins were paid for when Jesus died on the cross. But it’s important for us to admit that we still sin. This is called “confessing.” It means that we agree with God that we’re sinners and need to take responsibility for what we’ve done. We need to thank Him for forgiving us and showing us mercy (Proverbs 28:13). And then we need to make things right with anyone who was hurt by our sin.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about admitting that you’re a sinner and making things right? Check out Psalm 32:5, Psalm 38:18, and Romans 7:24-25.


Have you said something mean about someone or taken something that belongs to someone else? If you have, first talk to God about it. Then tell the person you’ve hurt what you’ve done. Let them know that you are sorry. Because you did something wrong, you’ll need to make things better to restore the relationship, but you’ll be doing the right thing. And then remember what it felt like. Think of how you’ll react if someone does something hurtful to you.