Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
26 Then Isaac said, “Son, come over here and kiss me.” 27 While Jacob was kissing him, Isaac caught the smell of his clothes and said: “The smell of my son is like a field the has blessed. 28 God will bless you, my son, with dew from heaven and with fertile fields, rich with grain and grapes. 29 Nations will be your servants and bow down to you. You will rule over your brothers, and they will kneel at your feet. Anyone who curses you will be cursed; anyone who blesses you will be blessed.”
Genesis 27:26-29
Ephesians 3:16-17
16 God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers 17 and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love.
Have you ever blessed someone? “Blessed” doesn’t just mean when you say “bless you” after they sneeze. One way to bless someone is by reminding your friend what God promised to do for them. Like how Isaac reminded Jacob (who he thought was Esau) that God would give him fertile land so he could grow more than enough to eat and drink (Genesis 27:26-29). Another example is when Aaron reminded the Israelites that God would protect them, show them mercy, and give them peace (Numbers 6:24-26).
Did you know that God wants us to bless each other? He gives us ways to do that in the Bible. Ephesians 4:29 tells us to “help others by what you say.” And Romans 12:14 tells us to bless people even when they are not nice to us.
So, how do we bless someone today? Maybe you could remind your friends that God will be with them when their bully climbs onto the school bus. Or you could tell them that God will help them know what to say when they prepare for a class presentation.
Words can change the way we think about ourselves. When you choose your words wisely, it helps your friends remember that God loves them and that you also love them. And that helps your friends feel good about themselves.
So remember, the next time one of your friends feels down or is struggling with something, you can pray for them and say words to them that will bless them. You can remind them that they are strong because God is with them. They are kind because the Holy Spirit is in them. And that you and God both want what’s best for them.