Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
1 You, , are the light that keeps me safe. I am not afraid of anyone. You protect me, and I have no fears. 2 Brutal people may attack and try to kill me, but they will stumble. Fierce enemies may attack, but they will fall. 3 Armies may surround me, but I won't be afraid; war may break out, but I will trust you. 4 I ask only one thing, : Let me live in your house every day of my life to see how wonderful you are and to pray in your temple. 5 In times of trouble, , you will protect me. You will hide me in your tent and keep me safe on top of a mighty rock. 6 You will let me defeat all my enemies. Then I will celebrate, as I enter your tent with animal sacrifices and songs of praise. 7 Please listen when I pray! Have pity. Answer my prayer. 8 My heart tells me to pray. I am eager to see your face, 9 so don't hide from me. I am your servant, , and you have helped me. Don't turn from me in anger. You alone keep me safe. Don't reject or desert me. 10 Even if my father and mother should desert me, you will take care of me. 11 Teach me to follow, , and lead me on the right path because of my enemies. 12 Don't let them do to me what they want. People tell lies about me and make violent threats, 13 but I know I will live to see how kind you are. 14 Trust the ! Be brave and strong and trust the .
Psalm 27
Psalm 27:5
5 In times of trouble, , you will protect me. You will hide me in your tent and keep me safe on top of a mighty rock.
Sometimes, very hard things happen in life that cause great sadness and pain. Grief is what happens when you lose someone or something very special to you. This loss could come from a divorce or from the death of a person or a pet. Grief is different for every person. It can affect both your body and your emotions. Grief is shown physically: You might have headaches, stomachaches, or have tightness in your chest. You might feel tired or not be able to sleep, not want to eat, or have trouble concentrating. Grief is also shown emotionally: You might cry, get angry easily, or feel extreme sadness. You might even feel guilty or overwhelmed. Maybe you might feel like there is no other kid who’s had to go through what you’re going through (there are!). Perhaps you wonder about your faith, feel angry at God, or have doubts about his care. All of these thoughts, feelings, and physical reactions are normal and each person feels and shows grief in different ways.
What can you do when grief is hard? In Psalm 27:5, David says that God protects you and keeps you safe. Here are some things to remember when grief feels unbearable:
Talk to God. He understands your pain. He understands if you feel angry at him or have doubts about his love and care for you, and he doesn’t love you any less for feeling this way. Talking with God doesn’t mean that all your bad thoughts and feelings will go away. But it does mean that you're following the Bible's instruction: "God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him." (1 Peter 5:7).
Talk to a parent, school counselor, or another trusted adult. You might feel shy or not want to talk about your feelings, but it’s important not to keep your feelings inside. What caused your grief is not your fault. Nothing you did or didn’t do caused this to happen. There may be groups of kids in your community who are also grieving. Getting together can really help you work through your grief, even if that seems scary at first. Ask a trusted adult to look into kids’ support groups in your community or local church.
Find an outlet. You can also help manage your feelings by writing in a journal, creating art, being physical (running, biking, walking, playing a sport), being with friends, or playing games with a family member.
Remember who you lost. Whoever you lost will always be a part of your life, even if they aren’t physically here anymore. Find ways to remember them. Some ideas include making a memory box, writing a letter, planting a flower or tree, writing a story or book, or drawing a picture.
God assures you that he cares about and understands your pain. Getting through your times of grief doesn’t mean you’ll get “over it.” Healthy grieving does mean that you will find ways to continue on without your loved one or without the situation you loved. You can also hold onto God's promises that he will turn your weeping into dancing (Psalm 30:11-12) and that he will wipe away your tears and your sorrow will be no more (Revelation 21:4). What a wonderful hope to have!