Kids in Action meet a group of "Grandfriends", a program that connects older adults with eighth-grade students in Freemont, Michigan. It’s Kids in Action, celebrating that we are all God’s children, whatever your age.
1. Name some friends. Name some older people that you know. Name your grandparents and older relatives. Name some older people who are or could be your friends.
2. In the video, Aden, Geneva, and Breckin talk about their relationships at Wellspring. In what ways can you tell that Aden and Geneva are friends? In what ways can you tell that Jack and Breckin are friends?
3. Talk about a time when you had a good time with someone from another generation.
4. Romans 12:10 says, “Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself.” What does it mean to “honor others more than you do yourself?” Explain some ways that you can honor another person.
5. Proverbs 20:29 says, "Young people take pride in their strength, but the gray hairs of wisdom are even more beautiful.” What are God’s blessings for people your age now? What are God’s blessings that you can see for people younger than you? What are God’s blessings that you can see for people older than you?