Praying Together

Praying Together

June 8, 2024

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Acts 4:23-31

Memory Verse

Acts 2:42

42 They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together.

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Once everyone gathered around the candle, the Sunday school leader asked if there were any prayer requests or praises. One child thanked God for losing her first tooth. Another for the fun he had on his family vacation. Someone else asked God to help her cat feel better. Another child asked God to heal his broken arm. Once the leader prayed for everyone, she encouraged the kids to remember another child’s request and pray for it for the coming week.

She said, “When we pray together, we get to have a conversation not just with the people around us, but with God too. We get to hear and be sad about people's struggles. We get to celebrate with our happy friends. It’s what makes us like a family.” She paused and smiled before continuing. “Praying together changes our hearts and reminds us we are loved.”

What do you think about when you pray with others? Are you excited to share? Do you maybe feel like you don’t know what to say? Maybe you’re worried others might tease you because you don’t speak as well as them, or you might feel embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing your worries. Perhaps you feel bad sharing something excellent or exciting in case it makes someone else sad or jealous.

Praying with each other is hard, but as Acts 2:42 points out, we should copy the example of the disciples and apostles because “they were like a family to each other… [who] broke bread and prayed together”. So remember, praying with others can get easier with Jesus’ help, some practice, and a good group of close friends or family members you can trust.


Heavenly Father, thank you for putting me in this world to live with others. Thank you that we can support each other, care for each other, love each other, and pray with each other. Amen.
Christina Van Starkenburg

Christina Van Starkenburg

Christina Van Starkenburg is an award-winning freelance writer and author of The Key Thief and One Tiny Turtle: A Story You Can Colour. In her free time, she enjoys reading, dancing, and exploring the world with her husband and three kids. Visit her at to read more.

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