Lonesome Chuckwalla

Scooter’s hero, airplane ace Lonesome Chuckwalla, crash lands into Grandpa’s barn in a storm. And that's just the start of the problems!

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

2 Too much pride can put you to shame. It's wiser to be humble.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 11:2



Today’s program includes two stories. In the first story, the success of Liz’s play goes to his head. He rewrites the play giving himself a bigger and bigger role. All his friends leave him and the play. Suddenly Liz finds himself successful, but alone. Meanwhile, Lonesome Chuckwalla is getting on Granny Gecko and Grandpa Anole’s nerves. Chuckwalla doesn’t even care about Scooter, who thinks he is a hero. You can see that Lonesome Chuckwalla’s name fits, because his pride makes him a very lonesome character. Pride pushes away people who want to be friends. 1 Peter 5:5-7 tells us that God disapproves of the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humility gives credit to God and all the people who help us.

Want to dig deeper about pride and humility? Check out Matthew 22:37-39; Proverbs 27:2; Luke 18:9-14.


Make a list of 50 people who have helped you and are still helping you become the good, strong Christian person that you are and want to become. Some people on your list might be a parent or guardian, grandparent, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, cousin, friend, teacher, neighbor, coach, sunday school teacher, fellow church member or youth group leader. Thank some of these people with kind words or a card.