6 Jesus isn't here! He has been raised from death. Remember that while he was still in Galilee, he told you, 7 ‘The Son of Man will be handed over to sinners who will nail him to a cross. But three days later he will rise to life.’ ” Luke 24:6-7
The women who discovered the empty tomb witnessed first-hand the restoration that came through Christ’s resurrection. What an amazing story to share with our children! Even so, kids may struggle to grasp the significance of this moment or to comprehend the grief, then fear, then joy Mary and her friends experienced. Here are some ways to connect this incredible story to their own lives.
Use your imagination. Young kids love role play, and the story of the women at the tomb contains several fascinating characters and interesting plot twists. You can listen to this audio Bible story or make up your own version as a family. Little ones still developing their verbal skills can easily pantomime the women’s discovery and the big feelings they experienced in response. Don’t hesitate to get involved with them!
Share wondering questions with your children. It’s healthy for kids to see us wrestle with the complexities of the Bible. What would it have felt like to suddenly and unexpectedly be in the presence of an angel, instead of death? Why didn’t the disciples believe the women at first?
Make real-world connections. Ask kids if they’ve ever felt sadness, fear, or joy like Jesus’ friends did. Have they ever experienced some of these feelings all at once or in a short period of time? Listen fully by asking them engaging follow up questions or repeating back to them what you think you hear them saying. This validates their experiences.
Share your own faith journey. Before they see Jesus again, the women carry the angel’s message of hope to the disciples. “He’s alive!” Their faith, not sight, convinces them. Has faith ever carried your family through a difficult or confusing time? Sharing life’s challenges in an age-appropriate way helps children see God’s big story at work in the individual stories of his followers.
Ask kids, “Because Jesus died for us, what do we do now?” Micah 6:8 reminds us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, three commands at the heart of restoration. Even the youngest children can participate in God’s restorative plan through simple acts of creation care or working out differences with a friend. Show your little ones they’re never too young or too small to respond to Christ’s gift.
At a key moment, the angel commands Mary and her friends, “Remember what Christ promised you.” In their grief and fear, Jesus’ friends and disciples had forgotten his promise. But only for a little while. Psalm 30:5 reminds us “weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Jesus’ death must have felt like a terrible ending to his friends. But it is really a new beginning. The women at the tomb receive the full gospel of Jesus Christ. They respond to the resurrection by becoming the first people to share the good news. And what good news it is! Death cannot win. God is making all things new.
That’s cause to celebrate!
Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article The Gift of Sacrifice.