Don't Judge A Book . . .

Yikes! What happens when Liz and Lucille try to return a lunch box that belongs to someone in the weirdest family in town?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

37 Jesus said: Don't judge others, and God won't judge you. Don't be hard on others, and God won't be hard on you. Forgive others, and God will forgive you.

Audio Icon   Luke 6:37



In this episode, Liz and Lucille were quick to judge a family based on what they wore and what their hobbies were. But think about it: wouldn’t the world be dull if everyone looked, acted, and dressed the same? Remember that every person is created in the image of God, and every person has a soul that God loves. Don’t judge someone because of his or her outward appearance when the Bible says God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Does he or she have a love for the Lord? Then don’t hold back the love God commands us to give to others (Matthew 22:37-39) just because they’re different from you. When we only spend time with people who are just like us, we feel safe and comfortable. But maybe a little bit of discomfort is exactly the push we need for us to depend on God and reach out to others, especially those who are different.

Want to dig deeper about looking at the heart of others? Check out Philippians 2:3-4, Romans 15:7 and Ephesians 4:2-3.


  1. As a family, think about the people that you know. How are these people the same as you? How are they different? Is there a neighbor, school friend, coworker, or teammate that you could be friendly to, or invite to join you for an activity?
  2. Find opportunities to volunteer and serve others, or to gather things like food, toys, and clothes to donate to churches or service agencies.
  3. Attend a Special Olympics event in your area. Look for opportunities to serve those with special needs.
  4. Visit other churches to learn more about cultural differences.
  5. Try some different foods from around the world.