Prayer and Action

Grandpa wants the church school class to learn the connection between prayer and action, so he challenges them to go out and find prayer stories!

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

12 Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.

Audio Icon   Romans 12:12



The theme of this episode is prayer and action. God wants us to pray and listen to learn his heart, THEN go and take action as he leads. In this episode, Grandpa said that we listen to God by reading the Bible and letting his Spirit guide us.

It’s easy for prayer to just be a routine. Sometimes all we’re doing is asking God for “stuff.” Sometimes we take action without praying about it first. We need both: first prayer, then God-directed action.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about prayer? Read 1 John 5:14-15, Ephesians 6:18, and James 5:13.


1. Share your prayer stories with your family (just like Grandpa asked people to share in this episode). Tell them about a time when you prayed, then took God-directed action, and how it turned out.

2. Share about a situation that you’ve been praying for. Brainstorm with your family about what you could do to be Christ's hands and feet in the situation. Pray about the suggestions your family gives you, and see where God leads you. Be sure to go back and tell your family what happens!