Honor Your Father

Liz is kicked out of baseball camp. How will this help him honor his father?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

12 Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.

Audio Icon   Exodus 20:12



In this episode, Liz tries to mimic the way a famous ballplayer behaves, only to learn that the ballplayer regrets his choices.

When we’re born, we are helpless. We can’t feed ourselves or keep ourselves warm or stay out of danger. To begin with, our parents do those things for us. That’s very important. Without that care, we would die. As we get older, parents teach us how to do those things for ourselves. This is also very important. We need to learn how to survive on our own, because our parents won’t always be there to protect us. For all they do for us, and because it’s the right thing, we should honor them.

When we honor a person, we treat them with great respect. That means that we treat them like they are very important and deserve the very best we have to give. When the Bible tells us to honor our fathers and mothers, it’s telling us to act toward them as though they were very important to us.

Want to dig deeper and learn about how we should behave toward our parents? Check out Proverbs 23:22, Ephesians 6:1, and 1 Timothy 5:4.


With paper and crayons or colored pencils, make a thank you card for your parents. Let them know that you appreciate them for taking care of you and giving you the things you need. Thank them for teaching you to make good choices. If you’ve done anything recently that didn’t honor them, let them know you’re sorry. If you can, make them breakfast in the morning and give it to them with the card.