God's Love is Already There

God's Love is Already There

July 23, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Ruth 1

Memory Verse

Galatians 1:15,16a

15 But even before I was born, God had chosen me by his gift of undeserved grace and had decided

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Have you ever gone through a change that was so big that you didn’t know what to do? Have you ever felt so sad or alone, that you thought that everyone was against you?

In Ruth 1, Naomi felt like there was no hope. She was so sad from all of the loss she had gone through, that she felt that even the Lord was against her! But even through all of Naomi’s sadness, Ruth was faithful to her, and stayed by her side to comfort and encourage her.

When changes in your family leave you feeling without hope, who do you turn to for comfort? By God’s grace we are blessed to have people in our lives who will stay by our side. They can comfort our sadness and worries. You can talk to your parents, pastor, teachers, or friends. Even though it feels scary to talk about the things that worry you, the Lord has placed people in your life to help you get through the tough times. Even better, Jesus himself is your greatest comfort. Just like Ruth was faithful to Naomi and promised not to leave her, Jesus promises to remain with you. He knows all your fears and sadness. He promises to protect you and to walk alongside you wherever you are and whatever you go through even in the scariest of times. What an amazing friend we have in Jesus!


Lord, when change makes it feel like my life is turned upside down, let me remember that your love never changes, and that your plans are always good. Help me to seek safety through the people that you’ve placed in my life and through the comfort of your Word. Amen.
Ginnette Yonkman

Ginnette Yonkman

Ginnette Yonkman is a clinical counselor at Chicago Christian Counseling Center at their New Lenox and South Holland locations. She is passionate about serving individuals, couples, and families struggling with a variety of mental health issues. Ginnette received her bachelor’s degree from Trinity Christian College and master’s degree from Olivet Nazarene University.

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