God Sends a Savior: Audio Bible Stories for Christmas

God Sends a Savior: Audio Bible Stories for Christmas

November 7, 2023

Christmas means stories. Children wonder and imagine as we read together the stories of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the angels, and the wise men and baby Jesus. If you’re looking for a different way to share those stories with your children this season, check out the selections below from our KC Bible Stories library. These dramatized audio stories tell how God sent a savior for his people in the form of a helpless baby and how the most momentous event in history was proclaimed to humble shepherds. These stories trace Jesus’ birth and young life to the earliest days of his earthly ministry. Each story features a discussion guide with memory verses and Bible readings to take your family deeper into the true Christmas story. Each discussion guide includes a family challenge to help your child see their part in God’s story.

Listen to the stories of “God Sends a Savior” right here on our website or your favorite podcast platform.

The Birth of Jesus. In the Christmas story, God works through humble people. Mary humbly accepted God’s announcement that she would have a baby. Elizabeth, too, humbly trusted that God would give her a baby even though she was old. Joseph humbly obeyed God to take Mary as his wife.

The Shepherds. The shepherds outside Bethlehem weren’t the most important or most popular. They weren’t the wisest in the town or the most attractive. Their job was to live in the fields and care for smelly sheep! But God chose them to hear the good news of the Savior. Why? Because to God, they were special.

The Wise Men. Worship is like giving a gift. We worship to show our love, awe, and thankfulness to God. The wise men brought expensive gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to worship Jesus.

The Boy Jesus at the Temple. Jesus was learning in the temple with the priests and teachers for three days! His parents were frantic, but he was happy listening to stories about his Father and asking questions that amazed the teachers.

The Baptism of Jesus. Can you imagine Jesus, who had never sinned, asking John to baptize him? John couldn’t imagine it either! But Jesus told John, “For now, this is how it should be because we must do all that God wants us to do.”

Jesus in the Wilderness. After his baptism, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert to prepare him for his ministry life. In the desert, Satan tempted Jesus to doubt who he was and his Father’s love. But Jesus relied on God’s word to stand up to the devil’s temptations.

Kids Corner is a place for your children to discover their roles in God’s big story and learn how God calls them to live out their Christian faith every day! Subscribe to receive weekly Kids Corner children’s devotions in your email (see below). And don’t miss the fun with our classic “Liz & Friends” podcast or our “Kids in Action” videos to see the amazing things kids are doing for God’s kingdom right now. We also have ebooks, crafts, and other downloads to help enhance your child’s exploration of God’s big story.

Christopher Hunt

Christopher Hunt

Chris loves to see God transform lives through the gospel. He serves as Marketing Communications Manager at Kids Corner's parent ministry, ReFrame Ministries. Prior to ReFrame, he marketed children's and youth programs at the ministry of Awana. Chris was a torpedoman on a US Navy submarine. Chris and his wife have five children, two cats, and a little dog named Cocoa. In his free time, Chris enjoys playing board games.

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