Pick and Roll

Basketball’s living legend, Michael James, is coming to town. At a skills contest, will Liz and Spike’s friendship be destroyed when the competition gets fierce? Who’s better at shooting, dribbling, and setting up a pick and roll?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

3 Don't be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.

Audio Icon   Philippians 2:3



In this episode, Liz and Spike’s friendship is in trouble. Both lizards put themselves first—before their friend and their team. Each wants to be on top and doesn’t care what they have to do to win.

In Matthew 20:20-28, the mother of two disciples, James and John, asked Jesus to give her sons a higher position than the rest of the disciples. She really didn’t know what she was asking. The rest of the disciples were angry, not because of the request, but because James and John’s mother had asked first. Jesus told all of them that to be great in his kingdom that you would have to be a servant to everyone!


This week, make a favorite sandwich for each member of your family. If you’re not sure what people like, ask them.

For dessert, set-up a sundae bar with different toppings. Have each family member make someone else’s sundae, creating the dessert according to the family member’s requests.