Wow! Creation!

Wow! Creation!

April 15, 2023

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Psalm 19:1-14

Memory Verse

Psalm 65:8

8 You silence the roaring waves and the noisy shouts of the nations.

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Have you ever thought about all of God’s amazing creations? He didn’t have to create sunsets with so many colors, but God mixed in blazing reds, hazy oranges, and lavish purples. He didn’t have to create so many different flavors, but he made lemons taste sour, habanero peppers spicy, and chocolate rich. God didn’t need to create so many different animals, but he created the fleet-footed cheetah, the recognizable hammerhead shark, and the peculiar platypus. Which of God’s creations amaze you most?

God created all of these different animals, colors, flavors, and smells for us to enjoy. Just like how you feel when your parents love the picture you painted, God loves when you enjoy his creation. He loves that you have a favorite color! How incredible is that? You bring God joy when your lips pucker after eating something sour, or you listen to the sound of the rain, or you paint a beautiful picture. He made creation to share himself, and when you enjoy his creation you join with the mountains and the stars in bringing him praise.

Think back on your day. Make a list of God’s creations you saw that brought you joy, and then thank God for them. “Thank you, God, for making salt, butter, and popcorn to taste so good together. Thank you, God, for giving the birds different songs to sing.”

Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article Marveling at God's World and Helping Children See God: His Hand in Creation


Dear God, thank you for creating a world that has so many wonderful things in it. Thank you for creating all of the things which I enjoy—my favorite foods, my music, my animals, and my family. Amen.
Philip Vander Windt

Philip Vander Windt

Philip VanderWindt is the pastor at Champlain Valley Christian Reformed Church. In his free time he enjoys building “tall-tall towers” with his kids, analyzing worldviews of films and music with his wife, photographing the beauty of God’s creation, dabbling in leathercraft and woodwork, and writing.

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