Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
1 I offer you my heart, God, 2 and I trust you. Don't make me ashamed or let enemies defeat me. 3 Don't disappoint any of your worshipers, but disappoint all deceitful liars. 4 Show me your paths and teach me to follow; 5 guide me by your truth and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust you. 6 Please, , remember, you have always been patient and kind. 7 Forget each wrong I did when I was young. Show how truly kind you are and remember me. 8 You are honest and merciful, and you teach sinners how to follow your path. 9 You lead humble people to do what is right and to stay on your path.
Psalm 25:1-9
Proverbs 3:6
6 Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.
How do we know what God wants us to do? Sometimes, the path is clear when the choices look like a “right” or “wrong” thing to do. Other times, when both options look right, it’s not so easy to know. How can you tell what God wants you to do? The key is to remember who God is.
In the Bible reading today, David describes God as patient, kind, honest, and merciful. David says, “I offer you my heart, Lord God, and I trust you” (Psalm 25:1-2a). God’s goodness and guidance are trusted. David reminds us that God guides us to good things. Just like David, when we are in need, we know that we can trust God.
So back to the question: which way do we go when two choices both seem right?
First, remember that God wants what is good for you.
Second, God puts people around us to help us, so talk to mentors and friends who care about you. Then pray before choosing.
Listen, pray, and know that God has good things planned for you.