Cheer Up Chamy

It’s time to rally the troops! Chamy needs everyone’s help. It’s up to Liz and Lucille and the gang to cheer her up after her parents’ divorce. But how exactly do you do that?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

3 Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. 4 He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share this same comfort with others in trouble.

Audio Icon   2 Corinthians 1:3-4



In this episode, Chamy is upset about her parents’ divorce. Her friends try to cheer her up, but the only thing that helps is the one friend who just listens and cares.

Do you have friends with serious problems? Maybe they’re sad because someone has died; or maybe, like Chamy, their parents are getting divorced. Problems like these are too big for you to fix. It won’t help to tell them “everything will be OK” or “just relax.” In fact, there’s probably nothing you can say that will help much.

But there’s something you can do. It won’t solve the problem, but it will make them feel better. You can care. Just listen if they want to talk, or sit with them silently if they don’t. The Bible puts it this way: When others are happy, be happy with them, and when they are sad, be sad (Romans 12:15).

Want to dig deeper and learn more about how you can be a comfort to others? Read Ephesians 4:2, Philippians 2:1-2, and Colossians 3:12.


How good are you at listening? For the next week, practice listening to your friends and family members instead of doing a lot of the talking. Ask them how they’re doing, and then just listen. Don’t think about what you’re going to say next. If they tell you about their problems, don’t try to fix them. Just be there with them and listen. At the end of the week, think back. How did it go? Do you think you encouraged or comforted any of them? Remember, God is always willing to listen to you, too.