Do Not Covet

Spike gets everything he wants. Liz is jealous and wishes he had Spike's parents as his own!

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

17 Do not desire to possess anything that belongs to another person—not a house, a wife, a husband, a slave, an ox, a donkey, or anything else.

Audio Icon   Exodus 20:17



In this episode, Liz discovered that things aren’t always as good as they look at first.

Sometimes life works out so that we have pretty much everything we want. Other times, everything seems to be going wrong. The Lord doesn’t want us to be happy or sad based on what we have in this world. Instead, we should always rejoice because of what we have in Jesus Christ. No matter how hard our lives are, or how few “things” we have, we can know that we will be spending eternity in heaven with Jesus if we’ve trusted in him.

The apostle Paul wrote about this when he was in prison. He told the Christians in Philippi that he was rejoicing even though his life was hard. He said he had learned how to be content (happy and at peace) no matter what was going on (Philippians 4:11-13). If Paul can feel that way in prison, you should be able to feel that way too.

Want to dig deeper into what the Bible has to say about being content and not wanting what others have? Check out Luke 18:18-23, 1 Timothy 6:6-8 and Luke 12:15.


Write down a list of 10 things you want to get or do. Then go down the list and decide whether your wanting has become coveting. Are there things that you want so badly that they are distracting you from more important things? Are you jealous of what others have to the point where you are a little bit angry with them? Wanting what others have can keep you from worshiping God and relying on him. It can ruin friendships. It can keep us from helping others. God wants you to trust him with your needs and desires.