The Christmas List Mystery

Cole’s got shopping bags full of presents that he says are all for him! But why is Cole hiding his list and why is he sneaking around town all night? It’s up to the Lizarado Detective Agency to solve this Christmas mystery!

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.

Audio Icon   John 3:16



In this episode, Liz said, “...we’ve been so busy with our own stuff that we forgot that Christmas is about giving.” During the Christmas season, families are often busy with sports practices, Christmas concerts, shopping, and family gatherings. It is easy to forget about God’s gift to us and about how we are suppose to give to others in return.

The season of Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas. It is a time to slow down and wait upon the Lord. When you are told to wait, do you think that you have to sit and be still? Sometimes that is what waiting means, but not always. Waiting during Advent is about being active and living out the hope we have in Jesus. What Christmas activities do you do to help you experience the meaning of Christmas?

Want to dig deeper into the Christmas story? Read Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-12; John 1:9-14.


Advent is a great opportunity to not only remember the gift of Jesus Christ, but also to think about how we can give to others. What can you do this month to share God's love with people around you?

Some Suggestions:

  1. Clean out your toy boxes and donate good-quality items to a thrift store.
  2. Bring Christmas cookies to someone who could use cookies and a visit.
  3. Choose a family member and secretly do something nice for him or her.
  4. Call, Skype, or send a Christmas message to a friend or relative.
  5. Create a Kids Corner Christmas coupon book for one of your family members or friends.